Our 3-month old!!! Seth is getting so big and I can't believe that 3 months have flown by.

What is Seth up to at 3 months?
- He's discovered sticking his tongue out. We play a little game that Seth usually starts by sticking his tongue out, then I stick my tongue out and we go back and forth sticking our tongues out at each other. It's so fun! Of course, I'm sure there will be a day when I have to teach Seth "we don't stick our tongue out at people".
- We had tried giving Seth a pacifier weeks ago, but he never wanted to hold it himself. So, we tried a pacifier shaped differently and surprise, surprise - Seth takes it! We use it when Seth wakes early from a nap or is overly tired and needs something to suck on when going down for a nap. He sucks on his fingers, but when he gets overly tired, he'd rather shake his hands instead of put them in his mouth!
- I need to get the boy some shades cuz when we take Seth out for a stroller walk, he's practically blinded by the sun.....but he loves stroller walks - coos and squeals abound!
My favorites for Seth....blue, browns and stripes!

One of the fewer happy moments in his carseat. Seth has started to put up a fuss when he's put in the car seat...I think because he doesn't have as much access to swinging his arms around and putting his fists in his mouth.
Love the cheeky smile!! Seth has my chunky cheeks!

March 10, 2010:
Seth is sporting his first Viking shirt. I know what you're thinking....his first Viking shirt?? Yeah, we don't have a big stock of Viking threads....which I'm sure will change with this upcoming season.
Seth loves his daddy and gets excited when he comes home from work. They have a special time playing and chatting away.

March 11, 2010:
Seth and I had a playdate with our friends Jenny and Hayden. Hayden's 14 months old and Seth just got a kick out of watching Hayden. Hayden loves using his voice and walked right up to Seth chattering away. Seth just took it all in and watched Hayden like a hawk.
Seth absolutely adored Jenny. He smiled, cooed and laughed with Jenny for over a half hour. It was so fun to watch!

Seth got a taste of the Bumbo for the first time and I decided it was time for Seth to have his very own. He did well holding his head up! It is the perfect little seat for our boy that loves to watch the world around him.

March 12, 2010:
In the last two weeks, Seth really took a liking to the bouncer. He kicks his legs and pumps his arms, which inevitably hit the hanging toys and he gets so excited!

March 13, 2010:
We call this the "Zoolander" look.

I don't know who enjoys the Bumbo more.....Jason or Seth. We just bought the Bumbo for Seth and so far I can't tell if he likes it or not. He just kind of slumps over a little bit right now.

March 14, 2010:
Playing with a new toy....Seth loves toys that light up and make music.

March 15, 2010:

Feeding: No change! I'm still BFing and Seth is still quite the eater.
Naps: Seth takes a really good long nap in the morning and takes shorter naps of about an hour or so for the other 3 naps in the day. I've found that Seth's optimal waketime is an hour and a half, longer than that he starts to melt down.:) We started letting him use his new pacifier at the beginning of his nap if he is particulary fussy. Seth still does not prefer to have a nap in the early evening, but we try hard to get him to take a catnap around 6pm.
Nights: Seth goes to bed at 8pm, gets fed "in his sleep" around 10:30pm and then sleeps until 7am. It's proving to be a good routine....however long it lasts!
Playtime: We do Seth's stretches and positions to help his neck muscles. Seth has a lot of tummy time so he doesn't always rest on his back and head. He actually really likes hanging out on his tummy and does so for about 15 minutes during playtime. We try various activities like sitting in his Bumbo or playing in his bouncer for a few minutes. He does really well with independent play, either kicking his legs and pumping his arms over the dining room light to squealing over Sally the Snail that lights up.
Seth loves to be talked to and when you hold him, he prefers to be looking out with his back to your chest. Jason and I think he's going to be quite the independent, active little boy. He would rather be smiling, giggled and played with than being cuddled. Seth has his cuddle moments, usually when he's just woken from naps or we're winding down for a nap.
That's why I love the quiet mornings I have with Seth....because I know soon enough he will be too busy to cuddle with his mommy!
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